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What is the Power to Change?

From Expense to Impact

We help corporations meet their environmental and social initiatives with our unique "Impact-as-a-Service" model focused on four critical Sustainable Development Goals.

Small Actions Can Create Massive Impact

How Our "Impact-As-A-Service" Model Works

By using our Impact Model Designer framework, we co-develop a model to uncover overlooked resources, and use them to assist with achieving your environmental and social mandates.

Design Cost-Free Ways to Reduce Your Environmental Impact

We help identify and reshape climate actions into a technical effort to reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

Re-Allocate Resources into Social Good

The resources saved are then used to address critical and local human rights issues and social inequality such as extreme poverty.

Empower Your Organization and Community

Create real, tangible, local impact where it matters most, and share it with your team and your customers.

Our Impact-as-a-Service Methodology

How We Deliver Results


We work together to identify non-essential service & sustainability revenue drivers.


We assist with developing financial models and customer engagement plans.

Performance Tracking

We help monitor and improve any campaign initiatives together with you.


We provide deeper contextual ESG reporting for shareholder and compliance reports.

What Makes Power to Change Different?

"Impact-As-A-Service" vs. Other Platforms

Outcome Focused vs Output Based

"NOW Driven" vs Managing Performance

Holistic Empowerment vs Utility Focused


Together, Let's Make Earth Happy!

Let's Make Real Changes, Together

Schedule a call with our Impact Team.

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